Taylor Swift Spills on Big Belly Button Reveal #FreeTheBellyButton
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While some speculated that Taylor was just looking for attention and others were too captivated by whether or not it was an innie or an outie to wonder about motives, Taylor has finally come clean about her intent. On an interview with BBC Radio 1’s Breakfast Show, Taylor revealed that she was just innocently whale watching with her friends when they noticed a boat load of paparazzi not too far behind. The popstar claims to have released the photos in an attempt to thwart the paparazzi and prevent them from making money off of her belly button.
Taylor walked listeners through her thought process, saying, ‘OK, so they got pictures of us in our bikinis.' I don't want them to make, like, $100,000...for a bikini shot. And so we're like, 'Get up on the bow of the boat: we're taking better bikini shots so that they don't make as much money on theirs."
So, like, it all makes sense now.